December To Remember 2023

  • Tournament Date
    Dec 07 - Dec 10 2023
  • Entry Fee
  • Stature
    Non Qualifier - USSSA
  • Event Details
    Click here for Bat Requirement info
  • Admission

Tournament Division

Division Entry Fee Gate Fee Max Entries Teams

Event Ballparks

Venue Name Address Maps link
Oahu Central Regional Park 94801 Kamehameha Hwy, Waipahu, HI, 96797 Open in Maps
Venue Name
Oahu Central Regional Park
94801 Kamehameha Hwy, Waipahu, HI, 96797

Event Lodging

Note: If you don't know which venue you'll be playing at and want to book in advance, click here to find hotels that are geographically centered between all venues.

Venue Name Address Dates Details
Oahu Central Regional Park 94801 Kamehameha Hwy, Waipahu, HI, 96797 Dec 7-10 Find Hotels
Venue Name
Oahu Central Regional Park
94801 Kamehameha Hwy, Waipahu, HI, 96797
Dec 7-10

Event Updates

December 2 Remember 2023 Games

2023 USSSA Hawaii’s December 2 Remember Softball Tournament

**Game times have been compressed due time restrictions**


No new inning after 50 minutes. If there is seconds left on the timer at the end of a complete inning (prior to the timer going off) - a new inning will start.

There will be NO grace time added prior to game start time

* Teams must have line ups in and be ready for play 30 mins before scheduled game time



Tournament Director will supply:

3 Men’s balls per Men’s team

3 Women’s balls per Women’s team

3 Men’s balls & 3 Women’s ball per Mixed teams

Any Pro M, Classic M or Women’s Classic W USSSA Stamped ball. Hard Core and Super Duper are acceptable balls, as long as they have the proper markings on them (Pro/Classic M or Pro/Classic W). NO STADIUMS ARE ALLOWED.

Extra balls will be available at event, cost $6.00 per ball.


Military and Men’s Rec:

20 after 3

15 after 4

10 after 5


Mixed, Women’s Open, & Men’s Competitive:

25 Run’s after 3 innings

20 Runs after 4 innings

15 Runs after 5 innings


Home-Run Rule:

Military: 4 Home runs. IEO

Mixed Open: 8 home runs per Gender. DBO

Men’s Recreation: 3 Home runs. IEO

Men’s Competitive: 10 Home runs. DBO

Women’s: Unlimited

Courtesy Runner for pitcher ONLY is optional and may be anyone on the line up card for all Divisions.


Umpires will keep score.

Home team is required to have a score book, if there is a question, Umpire/Director will ask for score book. If home team does not have a book, TD/umpire will go to the visiting team’s book for a decision. If no book is present, TD/Umpire will make the decision.

The team batting is responsible for retrieving balls which go out of play, including home runs and foul balls.

Mixed Rules Specific

  1. 5/5 or 6/6 if an AH is used
  2. Batting line up must alternate Female and Male or Male and Female
  3. Females will hit the 11” ball
  4. Males will hit the 12” ball
  5. 5 females must be on the defensive field at all times.
  6. When a male batter receives a base on balls, he will be awarded 1st and 2nd base. Female batter will have the option to walk or hit.
November 23, 2023 - 06:03am

December 2 Remember 2023 General Rules

2023 USSSA Hawaii’s December 2 Remember Softball Tournament

**Game times have been compressed due time restrictions**

No drinking of alcohol or smoking/vaping within Central Oahu Regional Park (CORP) Softball complex per the City & County of Honolulu. Anyone caught with an Open container will be suspended for a year from the date of suspension throughout USSSA Nationwide.


Initially, the batter has 10 seconds to enter the batter’s box after the pitcher has the ball and the umpire signals, “PLAY BALL”.  A strike will be called for every delay over 10 seconds.

If the batter refuses to take his position in the batter’s box, delays longer than 10 seconds during his time at bat or both feet leave the batter’s box after taking position in the box, the umpire shall call a strike on the batter. The ball is dead, no runners may advance. After the penalty, the batter may take his proper position and the regular ball and strike count shall continue. If the batter delays and a second strike is called, the batter shall be declared out.

If the batter intentionally leaves the batter’s box and delays play, and none of the exceptions apply, the umpire shall award a strike without the pitcher having to deliver the pitch.

The batter shall remain in the batter’s box between pitches with these exceptions:

  1. When the ball is batted fair or foul.
  2. When forced out of the box by a pitch. Any pitch that causes the batter to move their feet.
  3. On a wild pitch or passed ball.
  4. When a play or appeal is attempted.
  5. In the judgment of the umpire(s), weather conditions or play, warrant an exception.
  6. When TIME is called, or a substitution is made.

Umpire may warn a batter for violation of one of the exceptions. If the batter leaves the batter’s box and delays play, for any other reason

than 1-6 above:

  1. The ball is dead.
  2. Call a strike.
  3. Any number of strikes can be made with each batter.




All substitutions must be announced to the home plate umpire and be recorded.  Any unannounced substitutions that have been appealed by the opposing manager/team will result in the ejection of the illegal player. A new substitute may then be allowed to take the place of the illegal substitute. An illegal substitute appeal must be done before a pitch is delivered.

Bat Testing

All bats used for USSSA tournament play must have the new USSSA bat logo. No engraved/scribed logos will be allowed. The 240 stamps and must pass compression.

All teams will be allowed to check 20 bats total (meaning 15 pass and 5 don’t, that’s the total).  The manager is required to make sure all bats being tested comply with these standards. A manager’s signature may be required once bats have been tested.   All bats that fail compression check will be kept by the tournament director until the team has been eliminated from the tournament.

A manager must let the tournament officials know that a player will be arriving late so that they may hold a spot for him to have his bat tested when he arrives.

Code of Conduct

Unsportsmanlike Conduct and Inappropriate Language

All teams are responsible for their spectators. Coaches/Teams may be ejected for poor spectator behavior.

*Any player caught using an “F Bomb” will be subject to immediate removal from the game.  Any “F Bomb” from the dugout will require the removal of the Team Coach if the guilty party cannot be identified by the umpires. Inappropriate gestures or taunting may be the cause for immediate removal from the game.  For any other use of profanity, the game will be stopped, and the offending Team Coach will be warned.  Any further foul language from the offender will be the cause for removal from the game under the “unsportsmanlike conduct” rule.

Foul Language

*In keeping with our “Family” atmosphere, foul language and vulgar music will be dealt with immediately.  NO warning will be given and an ejection will occur. Further action by the USSSA National Office may also be included.

Threatening Remarks

Threatening players, coaches, sponsors, umpires, fans or making disparaging remarks toward anyone connected with USSSA will be reason for immediate ejection and may also include further action by the USSSA National Office.

Damaging Equipment

Damaging equipment, water coolers, bat buckets, or outward displays of uncontrolled anger will be grounds for immediate ejection.  Offending player/Team will be responsible to pay for any damaged item.


Fighting of any kind is not allowed in USSSA/GSL. All penalties will be assessed by TD and UIC and a representative from USSSA National Headquarters.  For severe fighting further sanctions may be handed down from USSSA National office.

Ejections and Disqualifications

In the event a player, coach or manager is ejected from a game, he or she must leave sight and sound of the playing field immediately.  The Tournament Director, UIC and Umpire(s) directly involved in the situation will determine how long the player, coach or manager must sit out. Their decision is final and non-appealable.  All ejections will be sent to the Hawai’i State Director for further review, with possibly providing a suspension and/or probation.


Rosters must be filled out and approved Online @ usssa.com by Thursday before the event. Online Rosters will be printed prior to the tournament.

There may be an emergency add-on at the State director’s approval. Each player must sign/approve the roster ONLINE to be eligible to play.

SD/TD Can ask at any time for a player’s ID with or without a protest.

A $100 protest fee must be filed with each protest. A protest is for a player NOT a team protest. Example: 1 Non-roster = $100.00 Protest 5 player = $500.00 (This will be refunded if the protest is upheld). Protest will be handled on the spot, and the game will not continue until the protest has been settled.

If a player’s identity is questioned, that player must present a valid official license or photo identification to the tournament director within 5 minutes of the request or that player will be ruled Illegal.

November 23, 2023 - 05:42am


For more information in regards to this event, please contact:

Chanel Chikazawa

[email protected]



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